And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain (KJV)
Then: By now, the Corinthians should be getting it. Their concentration on how much they know and how smart they are is thoroughly discredited in God's eyes. Man's wisdom? What's that? Just vanity, friends. Just vanity. There is no place for put downs in the church. Fellow workers are beloved and precious in God's sight -- and in the sight of other believers. Baker (p. 60) explains that Paul is quoting Psalm 94:11. It's a follow-up support from verse 18. Using God's teachings from old lets the Corinthians know the thoughts aren't Paul's. He's just the observer, teacher, and message carrier. The one who convicts abides within his listeners.
Now: Grabbing control and saying "I get it Lord; I can do it myself" stands as an aeon-long problem for all believers. This conflict with God becomes conflict with fellow believers. Unfortunately, we promote, demand, override objectors and contrive our own ways. Contrarily, we quickly recognize and admire the humble who always speak and act with consideration and kindness. They've learned to wait for God's wisdom and do not rush to judge. God is pleased when we "Love one another." -- Thank God for his patience with our slow growth. May we each have a "Paul" nearby.
Extra Source: Cornerstone Biblical Commentary 1 Corinthians (William Baker), 2 Corinthians (Ralph Martin & Carl Toney), ed. by Philip Comfort. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, c2006.
5 years ago
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