Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men (KJV)
Then: Imagine being a Corinthian slave or a Corinthian freeman. How do you respond to Paul's statement that you are a slave to Christ because He bought you? Corinthians already knew it theoretically, but not practically. Where did their liberty go? They had behaved as if they were already reigning with Christ in heaven. It takes a good while to learn that those forgiven and freed from the bondage of sin are free indeed, yet they now live with the new responsibilities of following the Lord. When Paul teaches that they are not to be servants of men, he means that from the time they believed, they are to compare every action to the requirements of God. They serve the risen Saviour who taught, "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and give unto God that which is God's. Although they are temporally serving the same earthly master or employer, the one who determines the value and quality of their service is the Lord.
Now: Twenty-first century believers continue to know that their ultimate service is to Christ. "I am a servant of God, cleverly disguised as a ... (carpenter, mail clerk, cook) ..." is a popular phrase. Whatever one's vocation, the true work is for the Lord's kingdom. Contrary to the work of undercover agents, Christian believers should be easily identified through their attitudes, their life choices, and their commitment.
5 years ago
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