For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's (KJV)
Then: Paul summarizes and gives an action statement for the Corinthians and for all Christians. Corinthians can turn sin because Christ's death on the cross took away the punishment, that is paid the debt for our sins. Freed to glorify God, Paul wants his hearers who could have done nothing to free themselves (Barnes) to look forward with joy by glorifying God physically and spiritually.
Now: With the daily onslaught of sexual images - advertising, culture, political correctness, laws, etc. Christians limit their understanding of giving glory to praise, prayer and time spent in church. Through the basic sinful conditions, it takes time and commitment to understand and recognize the profane nature of many actions of the body. Christ expects us to advance towards purity, to honor him in all our actions, especially those of the sexual morality.
Extra source: Barnes, Albert (1798-1870) Barnes New Testament Notes online at
5 years ago
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