Leaving chapter six, I have little enthusiasm to keep on. The discussion of sexual immorality is so depressing. Two thousand years and so little progress seems to have been made. Everywhere you look in today's culture, sex intrudes. Stores, movies, literature, advertisements, conversations among the less aware, you can't escape it. Often just because the word is used, the listener is supposed to laugh.
When Paul moves on to the subject of sex within marriage, I'm so worn out that even though Paul takes a more lenient approach, I'm not mentally prepared to continue. Somehow Paul was and did. Probably through his concern for the Corinthians. That seems to be the only answer. He cares so much that they get it right, he perseveres and does not turn his back on them. Thankfully God is the same. I depend on his faithfulness to stay beside me. He never turns his back on me no matter the trial or imperfections. - So forward into the paradigms of Christian marriage norms in a secular world. .. .. .. God's blessings to all.
5 years ago
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