Chapter twelve deals with spiritual gifts. The famous verse that no one can say "Jesus is Lord" except by the spirit appears early on. Things of the spirit world were available in other religions, but only those from the Spirit of God are valid for Christians.
Paul lists and distinguishes the gifts of the Spirit primarily for the purpose of removing the practice of honoring individuals with some gifts above those with other gifts. All come from the same Spirit, the same Lord, the same God (later used for studies on the trinity). No gift is greater than another. Then Paul names and describes the usefulness of several: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gift of healing, work miracles, prophecy, discern spirits, speak in tongues and interpret tongues. Paul seems to have left tongues last because he plans to talk about it later. The reason for the gifts is to maintain loyalty to Christ and to advance the kingdom (N. T. Wright, p. 156).
5 years ago
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