I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you (KJV)
Then: Right on point. Paul said that even as a defamed apostle, he exhorts his detractors. He did not want to shame, discourage and push the Corinthians away from salvation towards destruction. His purpose was to warn. Always the teacher, always the apostle, always the caring disciple imitating Christ, Paul perseveres in helping the Corinthians grow spiritually. They can depend on his faithfulness.
Now: Paul's approach is completely out of fashion. Ministers and servants of the Lord spend time with compassion and showing it, but rarely does anyone pronounce as evil the works of the land - abortion, pornography, sexual deviation, divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, homocides, thefts, etc. They have no need to back up and declare their purpose. Instead assumptions are made that "everybody knows" so there is no need for the church to teach and point out immoralities. That a government's refusal to allow posting the ten commandments produces spiritually ignorant nations never occurs to anyone. Slowly the right to take personal vengeance moves from literature (books, movies) into justified, daily action. Warnings like Paul's are not on the PC lists. No one loves their neighbors enough to introduce them to Christ and his love. May the Lord raise up modern day prophets.
5 years ago
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