Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called (KJV)
Then: Paul finally states the guideline. All are called to serve where they are at the Lord's pleasure and will. No one Christian is better than another. No one Christian has a higher kingdom status than another. No one Christian is more greatly esteemed by Christ than another. All are equal in the kingdom. The time may come when the Lord changes someone's social circumstances, but the task of the Christian remains the same - abide. Follow him. Corinthians needed this extra add-on statement after the directions for marriage in order to check out the principle. To be positive they get it, Paul adds another example in the next verse.
Now: Sometimes new believers think it is necessary to drop everything they are doing, pack up and serve elsewhere - without full knowledge of the Bible, without training as to how people in various cultures respond, and without the advice of those who have successfully served during the past 2000 years. Stay where you are. Take it day by day, step by step, and listen carefully to the Lord's teachings. How much better it is to influence one seeker at a current work place, than to make enemies of many in an unknown land. When the time comes, the Lord will say "Come." Until then, hear his voice, "Wait," but do all you can to become a worker who pleases him in daily actions and choices. "Study to show thyself approved."
5 years ago
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