For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? (KJV)
Then: Plain and simple, Paul backs away from decisions about behaviors of non-church members. He has no part in the choices they make for their lives. Paul even turns the thought around and questions the Corinthians. Don't they do the same thing by focusing only on members within the church? For close listeners, the Corinthians hear Paul's unequivocal reason for no comments about the "father's wife," their member's partner in sin." Presumably she was not a church member.
Now: We take Paul's statement as a logical guideline for procedures in church discipline, but without thinking, also criticize the behaviors of non-church members. We look for high ethics in politicians, business leaders, newsmen, friends and neighbors, somehow expecting them to believe as we do. Part of that comes from living in a western Christian culture; part comes from paying no attention to growing cultural divisions.
5 years ago
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