Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband (KJV)
Then: Gently, Paul follows his normal approach. He quotes the Corinthians and then notes some measure of agreement before going on to his own opinion (Collins, p. 253). Paul had to know the prominent philsophical arguments for sexual abstinence. Some came from worshippers of the goddess Isis, and some came from the Cynics. On the other side, the Stoics believed generation was good for the "polis" while Jewish thought predicated completion of the Lord's command in Genesis. Marriage should be as it was in the beginning - one man and one woman.
Now: Abstinence in marriage is not a common ideal of the culture. No one discusses it. There is greater difficulty in teaching teenagers and singles the precept "Abstinence works every time it's tried." The Christian ideal of no sex before marriage is hard hit by abortionists who prefer control of conception after the fact. Ignored are God's command of "Thou shalt not kill" and his natural plan that children be raised in a family with two parents. Also ignored are the feelings of loss built up during pregnancy of the mother-to-be for the unborn child.
Extra source: First Corinthians by Raymond F. Collins and Daniel J. Harrington (Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press, c1999)
5 years ago
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