Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (KJV)
Then: For all the anti-Pauline Corinthians, Paul presents a measuring standard. Check out the faithfulness of the steward. That's a primary requirement. The Corinthians might have wondered why this was the only standard offered - what about accuracy? temperance? gravity? humility? generosity? purity? or teaching skills? Paul wasn't just in a hurry to move the Corinthians on to seeing their error. He wanted just one standard which only Christ could fully evaluate (Fee, p. 160). Any standard can be partially viewed by fellow believers, but faithfulness is best understood as being in the purview of the Lord. He could judge much better than they.
Now: Even today there are those of us who judge the work of Paul, the apostle. They dislike the teachings (women's place in creation), so look for flaws in the teacher. That's easy to do, since he was human. For those who judge the Lord's servants whether they are stewards, doorkeepers or dishwashers, the standard is the same --Faithfulness. Fully advised through detailed Bible studies, today's judges may be surprised enough to change their minds about Paul. At the very least, they move more cautiously through their thoughts.
Extra source: The First Epistle to the Corinthians by Gordon D. Fee (Eerdman's 1987) online at
5 years ago
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