For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ (KJV)
Then: On the edge of the swimming pool, Paul philosophically challenges Corinthians to know wisdom, the mind of Christ. The words culminate Paul's teaching to the Corinthians. He only speaks and teaches those with the mind of Christ. He can teach because he himself has it. He did not tell them that he clothed his explanation (bent it) with the intellectual jewels or ideas valuable to Sophists: wisdom, oratory, maturity, mysteries, knowledge, revelation, gifts and talents, discernment, and being spiritual (a list from Magness' outline). He used the approach to draw in and mentally disarm their self-defenses. They heard what he said and recognized its truth. The teachings of the mysteries of God are special because the ability to know the mind of Christ is limited to those who believe.
Now: US citizens have so long lived in a culture pervaded by the teachings of Christ, a place where salt has been liberally spread, they have not noticed, the infilitration and increasing numbers of those who do not know Christ, who do not know and cannot discern his mind. The people speak two languages, but only the non-Christian seem to recognize the duplicity of words. Collins (p. 137) brings back thoughts of the hidden knowledge of mystery religions versus that which is open to believers. Even New Agers are fascinated by the mystery religions, but the only mystery in Christianity is crossing the line to revelation, opening the door to Christ's teachings, and severing the barrier between belief and non-belief.
Extra Source: First Corinthians by Raymond F. Collins, ed. by Daniel J. Harrington (Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN, c1999) on line at
5 years ago
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