But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption (KJV)
Then: Here is Paul's gold nugget explanation as to what is going on with every believer. It's a good thing Paul wrote it down so that the Corinthians could read and think about it over and over. Believers are unified in Christ - who is wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Because Christ is, they have his wisdom and righteousness. They are paid for and freed from sin (redeemed). They are made holy and purified (sanctified). These are facts, not anticipated results of living a good or obedient life.
Now: With difficulty, believers still come to the Lord seeking forgiveness and acceptance. He is the answer, and just like the Corinthians, in his kingdom we have the promise now. His wisdom allows us to know we are righteous, sanctified and redeemed. Praise his name.
5 years ago
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