Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (KJV)
Then: Jump time! Paul abruptly leaps from the values of fellowhip to the Corinthians disunity of diversity. It seems like he was standing on the river bank of verses 1-9, and now he's plunging into the cold, rapids of a turbulent river. He'll be in it for awhile. The section lasts to 4:21 (Matthew Henry), although N. T. Wright subdivides at 1:10-17. Paul gives Corinthians some methods to solve their problem of divisions all the while he's announcing and dissecting them. "Unify into one purpose," he says. "Speak accordingly. Use the same standards of reasoning, reach the same opinions and come to the same judgments. Straighten up. Call on the name of Christ. That's important!"
[Additional note: Several commentators point out Christ's name is used ten times in the first ten verses.]
Now: When a nation is at war, its people need to work together with one mind for one goal or purpose in order to win. The church is in a spiritual war. Its people must work together and not give occasion for the enemy to pick off its members one by one and be forever lost.
5 years ago
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