For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you (KJV)
Then: Paul doesn't beat around the bush. Upfront, he tells the Corinthians that people in Chloe's household had "tattled." Somehow they sent a message so Paul knows what's happening in Corinth. At least that family understood disunity and non-Christian behavior was marring the church's service. Commentators Lull and Beardsley find no evidence that the church split into different worshiping units. The church at Corinth was blessed that Paul cared enough to send his best advice before the situation completely deteriorated.
Now: Normally, we think that people who tell outsiders about a family's problems are disloyal. No matter how distant, Paul was a family member. Church people need to call on other members for help with wisdom, methods, and solutions to prevent and clear up any and all dissension. Disunity and divisions give room the prowling lion to attack and dismember at will. When the Spirit of the Lord reveals problems or potential problems, it is a wise church that immediately searches out answers.
Additional sources: I Corinthians by David J. Lull; Revised and expanded edition of William A. Beardsley: First Corinthians: A commentary for Today (Chalice Press, 2007).
5 years ago
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