Then and now:
Paul continues to speak to the Corinthians helping them understand their situation and where they are wrong. The Lord gives jobs to everyone and no worker is greather than another. All success in church growth - numerical and spiritual - comes from God, not the workers. No one works alone; all work together. Each worker has to be sensitive to the quality of his work.
The Corinthians and those hearing the message today need to infer that if Paul is not special, neither are they. If Paul is a fellow-worker with a specific task (gift), so are they. If Paul is accountable for the work he does, so are they. They too will receive their own reward.Paul uses the image of being a servant to show that they are all servants (not masters or observers) in the kingdom. He uses two occupational images - farming and construction industry. Both industries require workers with specialized skills - all needed and none greater than another.
From another viewpoint, the hearers are "God's fellow workers, the farm, and the building (temple) who are being raised up to receive their gifts (place) of service in the kingdom. (Comments based on Dr. Magness' class handout.)[Side note about "God grants the increase": Christians may recognize that the work God did to create physical life is continued as a counterpart in the creation of spiritual life. Being "born again" is the essential starting point.]
5 years ago
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