But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God (KJV)
Then: There's a dual teaching here. The Spirit reveals what the Corinthians know about God's plans for the salvation of mankind and provides the way for them to have eternal life. At the same time it enables them to look into their own hearts and see the ways in which they fall short of being the person God orignally planned. The deep things of God are sweet, but the contrasting presence of personal failings brings sadness. Paul wants members of the Corinthian church to do better and be better.
Now: Henry believes this is a statement of the divine authority of scripture. Paul teaches what he knows and that comes from the Spirit of God. I like the fact of "us." The Spirit teaches one-on-one to each of us, not just Paul. That truth comes through knowledge of pesonal relationship with the Triune God. Thinking that the Spirit searches the depths of our hearts is discouraging because we know man's deptravity, but encouraging to know that he cares so much that he wants us to be better. There's more than the acceptance and recognition that "Christ is Lord."
Fitzmyer (p. 169) discusses the first person plural use as different from the first person singular in 2:1-5. Some commentators may view it as "non-Pauline"; others see it as a particular view of "wisdom"; and some like Lindemann take the "us" to mean "we Christians."
Extra Source: Commentary on the Whole Bible Acts to Revelation Vol VI by Matthew Henry online at http://www.ccel.org/ccel/henry/mhc6.iCor.iii.html
First Corinthians: a new translation with introduction and commentary Joseph A. Fitzmyer (New Haven CT: Yale University Press, c2008). http://books.google.com/books?id=W3b-mWk1SxoC&dq=Corinthians+and+Fitzmyer&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=fMkQjo3eGY&sig=MB1oT-4Ir0uoDeiFJ8C7J9oum2I&hl=en&ei=k_sgS_CYKc6SlAeRv6z3CQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CBgQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=&f=false
5 years ago
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