But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (KJV)
Then: Paul reached the deep end of the swimming pool, and turns around to swim across the same territory again. He wants to explain the thought from the other point of view, the side of non-believers in Christ. Anyone who denies God and lacks the Holy Spirit thinks that those asking a non-existent god for advice are foolish. It's non-sensical to think advice, wisdom, or knowledge can come from nothing. Corinthians have to know that. How can they talk to non-believers without understanding that point of view? They have to go back to their own days of non-belief to find common ground.
Now: Working with the same difficulties, Christians have to find words of the popular culture which can somehow match and bring enlightenment to those who do not hear and do not see into the kingdom of God. Studying Paul, studying the culture, listening to the Spirit the pathways open by which non-believers can come to understand.
5 years ago
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