Let all your things be done with charity (KJV)
Then: The King James word for love is charity. That better matches and clarifies a Corinthian understanding of the word. It omits all the other meanings lumped into the English meaning of "love" (Magness class notes). In context, Paul is not letting his just stated admonitions be actions without value. Harking back to his earlier presentation of the way to live the Christian life, he gently reminds them again - Anything done without love has no value.
Now: Baker (p. 246) brings attention to other passages such as Phol 4:809 or 1 Thess 5:12-22 where Paul reviews what he's earlier spent extended time explaining. Since he already discussed it, he doesn't add anything more. It's also somewhat like a parent sending a child out the door, "Be good," expecting the offspring to remember former training.
5 years ago
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