Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand (KJV)
Then: This final section had to have been the favorite part for the Corinthians. No longer chastising, Paul returns to teaching about Christ. First, as always, he talks about Jesus' crucified for their sins. Through Christ's sacrifice believers are able to stand before both God in heaven and day-by-day in serving the Savior.
Now: Believers today are just as interested in understanding what's ahead as were the Corinthians. Paul expected Christ's return soon. 2000 years later, we still expect Christ's return to be soon - God's time, not ours. So no one knows. Commentators refer to the topic with the word "eschatology," a study of ideas about the last days, resurrection of the dead, judgement and heaven or hell. They all get lumped together, but it starts with knowing who Christ is.
5 years ago
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