Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ (KJV)
Then: The final crux of Paul's teaching and advice to the Corinthians is not a "Do as I say and not as I do" argument. Paul advises them to do what he does -- follow him because he follows Christ. To have this advice along with their memories of what Paul did when he was with them provides a clear path to being useful workers in the body. Baker (p. 154) draws upon Thiselton (p.796) to state that Paul believed all his own suffering corresponded to the sufferings of Christ. Thinking of this, surely the Corinthians were humbled.
Now: Most members of the body of Christ are oblivious to the good of the whole. Believers focus on personal growth and sometimes the care of close friends because "That's what you are supposed to do." They rarely consider the salvation and spiritual growth of others, let alone the spiritual condition of the entire church. A church is judged on what can be gained from it, not what its needs are. Then too, sometimes spiritual needs are recognized and counterbalanced with feelings of inadequacies. "How can I be an evangelist?" The problems are both a product of a culture used to letting the minister do it all and a culture which advertises "You need a break," "Be good to yourself," or "Take care of Number One." In addition to occasional philosophical presentations, the church needs Paul's example.(At the same time churches with trained professional staffs overlook the value and fail to call upon the talents of individual church members. But then, that's another issue.)
Extra source: Cornerstone Biblical Commentary 1 Corinthians (William Baker), 2 Corinthians (Ralph Martin & Carl Toney), ed. by Philip Comfort. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, c2006.
The First Epistle to the Corinthians: a commentary on the Greek text by Anthony C. Thiselton (Authentic Media, c2000) online at
5 years ago
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