Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come (KJV)
Then: Paul is a liason between knowledge of the Lord's perfect plan and people who want to see, but don't. Captured by past habits and ways of thinking, they can't move out from under the clouds to stand in the sunshine. Paul is trying to grab them and pull them over into a clear view of the Lord. Baker (p. 145) discusses the problem as a crisis in the church, a critical point at which the Corinthians have to rightly understand what is happening. Baker also believes Paul is extending hope that many Israelites escaped God's judgement. Taking heed, the Corinthians can maintain the new covenant.
Now: Like the Corinthians, today's Christians have Paul's four examples and warnings. What we don't always have is an identification of a specific problem. We need constant self-examination, listening to teachers or preachers, Bible reading, and an open heart to hear the Lord himself speak to our consciences. The danger is always great, but the Lord's presence is always near. His Spirit and promises are the everyday solutions for working out salvation.
Extra source: Cornerstone Biblical Commentary 1 Corinthians (William Baker), 2 Corinthians (Ralph Martin & Carl Toney), ed. by Philip Comfort. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, c2006.
5 years ago
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