2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Then: Paul's near death experiences moved him to think more closely about the body and the temple of God. Finding three reasons of comfort in the text (v.1) a new body already placed in heaven, (v. 5) God's promise to finish what he started, and (v. 7-8) when it's over here, we'll be with Christ in heaven, Paul can keep on keeping on (Harris, p. 365-366). All these illustrate the main theme of Paul's apology or defense of self. As an apostle or servant of Christ, the Lord's plan of bringing believers into his presence is assured.
Now: That's our goal. That's our reward - being with and in the presence of Christ. Paul's able introspection applies to us also.
Extra Source: The Second Epistle to the Corinthians: a Commentary on the Greek Text by Murray J. Harris (Grand Rapids MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., c2005).
5 years ago
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